
<> Developer


ManusVRMotion Capture

Polygon is a full-body motion capture solution that works with 6 to 8 trackers placed on the head, hands, hips, and feet, with optional trackers for the arms. It is compatible with a variety of trackers, including SteamVR, ART, Vicon, and custom trackers.


The software is divided into two main components: the solve and the retargeting. The system begins with extensive calibration, calculating offsets from the trackers to the user's joints and measuring the lengths of those joints. The solve component then uses these calibration values and applies Inverse Kinematics (FABRIK) to calculate the entire skeleton. This solved data is then used by the retargeting component to map the animation onto a model's skeleton supplied by the user, fitting the animation to the measurements of the supplied model or scaling to model to the target skeleton.